czwartek, 24 grudnia 2015

christmas time summed up in few rhymes

This time of the year
comes always so fast
and there's no doubt:
it's always a blast!

Me being excited?
Not a surprise!
Xmas give me a chance
to shine&rise
(or the other way round)

But let me get started
with the preparations abound!

So many things waited 
to be made and done
and though overwhelmed -
I had so much fun!

First to be created
was advent calendar
- but don't get wrong
'cause it's not an agenda!

Twenty four bags
Containg short stories.
(I put candies too,
so don't ya'll worry)

And each of the stories
was part of a tale
for and about
one really nice male.

Number two on my list:
Hand-made cards for friends
'cause the fun of creation
is the one without end!

And after some ages
of Pinterest scrolling
I got to know tips
that were worth knowing:

"Black cardboard,
sharp scissors
and some perler beads
is everything young adult
for card-making needs"

And I couldn't help adding
a rhyme or two
so that the cards
could be super cute

Oh, gingerbreads!
Those little cuties
- to decorate them with love
was one of my duties.


With the help of my friend
I put some sweet icing.
And to put it bluntly:
the outcome was fancy!

And last but not least
Christmas gifts wrapping
Cause looking at gifts
just makes me feel happy

Thus everything's ready,
Christmas may start;
Let's indulge in this time
and warm up our hearts.

wtorek, 1 września 2015


A month has passed since I left my favourite city so far, but my love hasn't diminished yet, apparently! That's why I still feel like posting all the pictures I took and introducing other people to my ultimate (os)love. As Rachel from Friends would say 'It's so beautiful I wanna cry'. Mentally crying, I look at this beauty and I miss it everytime a bit of Freia chocolate finds its way to my mouth.

This very first pic is here just to show how fancy our opening ceremony was. Not always do you get an opportunity to eat some meatballs and macaroons in townhall in Oslo and I almost felt like a mayor but then I realized that I am not, but the experience was still cool. (Well, it looks like everything where you can get free food is pretty amazing).

Let's put everything straight. Literally. Just a brief look at this compilation of various pictures will show you that I really love outlining the lines and finding that one perfect horisontal and/or vertical and/or diagonal line in every picture. My straight-photo-OCD has become bigger recently but I am not too worried about that.

The upcoming picture is one of those I took during the first week. Still not knowing anything about the city and being way too excited about the fact that 'Hey, it's 11pm and it's not dark yet' we randomly walked around Karl Johans gate, getting there by tbane to use our super expensive monthly pass as much as possible.


But it's only a tiny-tiny part of my Oslover that you need to see. Time for the rest!

Let me introduce you - Vigeland Parken. With thousands of naked people it's, surprisingly, not a nudists' place. 

However, with all its models, Vigeland Parken it's not my favourite spot in the city. Damestredet and Telthusbakken may seem so, but it's still not the All time top 1 destination!

It was my third week in Oslo when I went for a walk to explore this three places. Together with my norwegian-speaking companion we wanted to see a little bit more of the city, that's why we just walked wherever we could. And tried. We tried. We tried really hard to get lost. We tried  and tried and when we almost got to this point when we didn't know where we were -  we realised that we knew. Inner G-maps couldn't have been more unuseful. However, we still did manage to explore Grunnerløkka, wich is my almost favourite area. 

 Because you have to walk long enough... Long enough to find some bridges...

,..And then pass by some geometric buildings that could be a headquarter for D2squared.

To finally get THERE. To my very favourite spot, where I could easily spend 1/3 of my stay in Oslo. The Opera House.

And when it comes to this Opera House... Before my adventure I only had one plan - to see this geometric and a little bit stiff Snow White in the morning (actually Snow White was quite stiff too while laying in the glass coffin, so maybe it wasn't the best comparison). Well, 6 weeks seemed long enough to make it without rush, but I only managed to do that on the very last day of Summer School. Friday, 31st July, after 24h without sleep (and there was still 20 more hours til another bedtime, but at that point I didn't know that) I enjoyed the most calming and pure view ever. That's definitely how my definition of heaven looks like - lots of lines, geometric figures, no crowds, nice company and white. A lot of white. 

Because white not, right?

Okay, I lied. There's this place where I'd rather go than sit on the rooftop of the Opera House. 
Here it is, last but not least - Ekebergparken. (or maybe the picture showing the view over the city from the Ekebergparken). This place is a paradise and there's no wonder that it's 'Paradise' by Coldplay that makes me think about all the times I visited this place. Belinda Carlisle once sang that Heaven is a place on earth, but to be more precise - heaven is a place on a hill, Ekeberg hill.

And it is probably the first time my entry doesn't containt usual amount of poor puns and linguistic jokes, but sometimes we all need to be a little bit more nostalgic and serious.

niedziela, 9 sierpnia 2015

Hei hei hei, Jotunhei(m)! The hiking viking is coming!


I really wanted to describe my norwegian adventures step by step, as chronologically as possible, but I just can't help posting the entry about Jotunheim excursion first. I'll probably regret this rebellious behaviour for the next three weeks while kneeling on peas, but YOPENICOO (You only post entry not in chronological order once), so...

But OK, let me start the proper post. 

Weekend 4-5.07.2015 became on of the best weekends I've ever had (together with some other best weekends I've ever had, obviously). Saturday morning our happy and still nice smelling bus left Blindern and started its way towards Jotunheim. With my eyes and camera wide open I managed to take some really good shots from the bus (sic!). Of course it wouldn't have been possible without help of my travel companions, who were either yelling at me that I turned off my camera or just letting me use the window while they were sleeping. Guys, these pictures are our collective work! 

(end of pics from the bus)

Our first stop was somwhere I don't remember where, but I bought water and nuts in local supermarket #coolstorybro and then the next stop was somwhere I didn't remember where but got some help and now i remember - Beitostølen. Located literally in the middle of nowhere. Or Norwhere. Or Norway. 


At Beitostølen we got divied into groups that were supposed to be competing against each other while doing activities of different kinds. Our group, though bitten by mosquitoes, didn't get beaten by all the other groups and we got the second place and you can congratulate us by sending email to wowiamsoimpressedbyyoursecondplace@beitostø and yes, I can give you autographs later. The afternoon, though really warm and exhausting, was fun and we really got into playful moods.

Therefore there's no wonder that this group of grownups had to play with snow for a while. Because SNOW. Beause July. Because fun.

 (Shoutout to the person who decided to stop the bus for 30mins!)

Finally, after some snowball fights and some more busdriving and a little bit of a boat cruise we arrived at Memurubu Turisthytte.

The place was cozy and charming and lovely and norwegian and smelled like wood (maybe beause it was made of wood, Natalia?) and yes, I was in tiny, red, hiking heaven. However, before we could enjoy the evening we had to jump into freezing cold water. TOTALLY NOT FEELING UNDER PRESSURE OF ANYONE i put on my swimming suit and not really thinking about it, toghether with other people, I jumped into this cold hell. 

1*C, 33,8F. 
Thankfully we only got hype and not hypothermia, because that would be quite sad.

After this literally not heart-warming welcome we got something to eat and we could just rest for the rest of the evening.

10:15:00PM (really!), admiring this view while listening to Wardruna's 'Solringen' - well, it was a good bit of mental picture (although the award for best mental pictures goes to C., who managed to take unlimited amout of mental pics without having any additional memory card! Dude, how was that possible?).

And on Sunday morning, as the sunishine filled the world and breakfast filled our greedy stomachs, our 17km Besseggen hike began. One can be quite surprised how many 'ex-s' one comes across while hiking. Excitement. Exhaustment. Exhilaration. Exigency (to pee somwhere in this rocky surroundings with no bushes, but who actually cares)

'I spy with my little eye.... a rock! (no roll though)

At some point the hike changed into regular rock climbing. Now, as I sit in my room, safe and sound and without any possibility of dying because of falling down (only beause of too much heat), I can say that it was so much fun. Back then, when I was on the edge of the mountain and on the edge of falling down, I was really scared and what-i-am-doing-here-plz-let-me-go-to-blindern-oh-my-word-i-am-going-to-die-ok-maybe-it-is-not-that-bad-to-die-in-norway-in-such-surroundings-ok-nevermind-plz-i-want-this-trail-to-be-over.

But hey, at 17:00 (5PM), as our feet touched the flat ground, I became one of the happiest people on Earth.

I did this hike and I DID survive. 

*curtain falls*

środa, 5 sierpnia 2015

Norway sweet Norway

Date: 20.06 – 1.08
Days: 43
Place: Blindern, Oslo, Norway
Nationalities: 89
Amount of eaten pringles: Way too big
Number of planned hikes: 3
Number of non planned hikes: 2
Top 1 meal: peanut butter jelly sandwich
Things missing: pair of shorts, friends

And here it is, my first post in English. It’s high time I started using lingua franca  since it may happen that some of the ISS people will take a look at my casual stream of consciousness. I have no idea where to begin, so maybe I’ll make my stream mainstream and start from the very beginning.

It was late Friday night that I arrived at the Lech Walesa airport in Gdansk. Tiny, scared polish girl with huge, pink suitcase wandering around terminal and wondering how the ISS was going to be. I didn’t know anything except the fact that my flight was in the morning and I had to wait for it for ages.

6:45 my plane took off and together with my polish companion, sometimes called keBarb, we started our Norwegian adventure. More sleepy than excited we arrived to Sandefjord but apparently there was no sand and I’m still confused. Anyway! At this point little did we know about the struggle that was about to happen during our first day at Blindern dormitory.

Hello beautiful yellow building, hello rose bushes, hello hill. Oh, hill. THE HILL. (or maybe hell?) The innocent-looking, a bit rocky, not really steep hill. Beautiful – one may say. Those who thought that rolling suitcases are always a good idea will probably remember the moment of carrying the suitcases up the hill on their deathbed. It was probably the only time when I was both rollin’ and hatin’. Sweat, tears, suffering, giving up and loosing hope are probably the key-words describing this sysyphiean-like task. AND IT DEFINITELY WASN’T HILL-ARIOUS.

But we managed. WE DID MANAGE. We got our keys and headed to our rooms. With taut stomach I entered my 4* apartment at the end of the corridor. Two beds, two desks, two wardrobes, two chairs, two closets – for two of us. But where was she? Who was going to be my roommate for the next 6 weeks? Still nervous I started unpacking my life from the suitcase, hands shaking.

And there she came, my roommate herself.  And from our very first talk I knew that I couldn’t have got better roommie. It was a huge relief (if some of you don’t know how huge relief looks like here’s the picture
>>>CLICK<<<). MOREOVER, just after 3 hours we also became nap partners, because nothing builds stronger friendships than napping at the same time. And that’s  how our strong friendship with pillars made out of paprika pringles cans started growing.

But this Saturday was only a preview of the best six weeks of my 21years and 6months life.


sobota, 20 czerwca 2015

w kierunku północy po przeczekaniu pół nocy

I oto ten dzień, ta chwila, kiedy postanowiłam napisać post nie poczyniwszy zawczasu zdjęć w studio/w plenerze, a tym samym pozbawiwszy się możliwości załączenia tutaj czegoś z wyższej półki estetycznej. Stało się jednak tak, że dłużej czekać nie mogłam, zbyt wiele wydarzeń wymaga jakiejś adekwatnej oprawy pisemnej, a ja mam aż nadto czasu, by móc go spożytkować na spisywanie czego bądź.

Zacznę od zupełnego początku. A na początku było słowo.


Jedna z tych późnych godzin nocnych, kiedy grzeczne dzieci śpią, niegrzeczne sypiają w sposób bardziej metaforyczny, a te umiarkowanie średnie, te którym los nie rzuca jednak non-stop kłód pod nogi, piasek nie zawsze im w oczy i w życiu też im czasem wychodzi, siedzą w wątpliwie eleganckiej pozycji na lotnisku im. Lecha Wałęsy i oczekują na lot. Wałęsać mi się jednak wcale nie chce, wszystek energia ulotniła się gdzieś na trasie między Żninem a Świeciem i do Gdańska przyjechałam już całkiem wyczerpana, wtórując tym samym mojemu telefonowi. ANYWAY. Chodzi głównie o to, że jest noc, lot mam za jakiś kwinkwagilion godzin i chwilowo nie mam na siebie lepszego pomysłu, więc postanowiłam pobyć przykładną blogerką. No i na przykład napisać długi oraz zawiły post.

Co do samego tematu zawiłości: czerwiec należał; nie, wróć: należy do najbardziej pokręconych miesięcy anno domini 2015. Jeszcze się nie skończył, a już wydarzyło się w nim przypuszczalnie więcej rzeczy niż podczas wszystkich festynów osiedlowych od 1999, organizowanych rokrocznie na Ratajach w moim rodzinnym mieście, które oczywiście pozdrawiam i o którym zawsze ciepło myślę. POZNANIU JESTEŚ SUPER.

No ale jestem w Gdańsku. Danzig słynie przede wszystkim z morza, ale może się tak zdarzyć, że na lotnisku słyszy się wyłącznie szum urządzenia do czyszczenia posadzek, jedyne muszle, jakie można znaleźć są w toalecie, a jeśli mowa o piasku, to tylko o tym metaforycznym albo Piasecznym (jeśli ktoś go w ogóle jeszcze pamięta. Ale pewnie nie pamięta. Piaskowi prawdopodobnie jest smutno >klik< Ale tak to jest jak się jest celebrytą – wszyscy wiedzą, jak taka kariera może się szybko posypać, a on to już w ogóle kusił los swoim plażowym pseudonimem).

Ja nie o piasku jednak. Nasuwa się zasadnicze pytanie: Hej, dlaczego ta jeszcze nieznana blogerka jest w Gdańsku, kiedy jej rodzinnym miastem jest Poznań? Zapewne wielu z was, tego pytania wcale sobie nie zadało, bo 90% moich czytelników wie aż za dobrze ‘whassup’, ale im dłużej piszę, tym szybciej mija czas na lotnisku i to jest oszałamiająco przydatna sztuczka. Więc piszę wszystko od A do Ø. I tu dochodzę do sedna sprawy – OTÓŻ; za godzin <5 wzniośle się wzniosę i polecę na obczyznę pełną fiordów, brunosta, hyttek i śmiesznych literek w alfabecie. Niektórzy nazywają ten kraj Norwegią. Ja ten kraj też nazywam Norwegią, bo w sumie taką nosi nazwę.

Ze słonecznego Gdańska przenosimy się więc do Oslo o bliżej nieznanych warunkach pogodowych. Ok, jeszcze się nie przenosimy, bo w dalszym ciągu tkwię na lotnisku schowana gdzieś za bankomatem, ponieważ tylko tu mam możliwość nakarmienia sprzętu elektronicznego, ale jeszcze tylko chwil kilka i będę mogła bezkarnie i bez ogródek, i czasem nawet bez sensu poużywać sobie hasztaga #oslove.

Już na samą myśl o tym #ekscytacja #radość #glede #smil

czwartek, 19 lutego 2015

kochany pamiętniczku

Luty to miesiąc moich urodzin - już po raz drugi w moim życiu weszłam w wiek dwudziesty pierwszy. Ale jest to również - od zeszłego roku - miesiąc pierwszych noworocznych wpisów na blogu - co w związku z zaczynającym się dziś rokiem Kozy robi sens. Raz kozie śmierć, jak to mówią, dlatego rozpocznijmy go pakietem sześciu unikatowych i eksperymentalnych zdjęć, których nawet ja bym się nie powstydziła.

na zdjęciach Jarek (klik!)

Ale, kochany pamiętniczku, i tak cierpię ogromne katusze, kiedy z trudem przychodzi mi pisanie tutaj czegokolwiek. Zamiast zwyczajowej wylewności mam w głowie tylko suche fakty, którymi nikogo nie napoję. A ukryty w czeluściach mojego umysłu zapas kreatywności pisarskiej muszę pozostawić na interpretację wiersza, którego nie rozumiem słowami, których jeszcze nie poznałam na zaliczenie u wykładowcy, którego nie ogarniam. Dzięki bogu (w związku z moim kierunkiem studiów mam raczej na myśli jakiegoś staronordyckiego Tora albo Odyna) wena fotograficzna mnie nie opuszcza a kolejna sposobność na jej użycie pojawi się już w niedzielę, a więc stay tuned like a guitar, pamiętniczku!
